The September news of the retirement of the famous Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki's anime fans excited the army . As it turned out , the creator of " The Walking Castle " is not only delaying a pension , but also engaged in a new project.The plans of the master production of the animated television series of the Samurai . Told reporters one of the leaders of Studio Ghibli's Toshio Suzuki, who said that the work on Miyazaki's anime helps to relieve stress . " The new series will tell the story of troubled times period of the" Warring States " . Unfortunately, there is more to tell about the project , I can not "- said Suzuki .
Last for today is the work of Miyazaki's anime "The wind grows stronger." Film debut in September at the anniversary Cannes Film Festival. The work of Japanese master awarded the highest awards, including the "Oscar". The most famous anime Miyazaki - "My Neighbor Totoro," "Princess Mononoke" and noted in the Berlin film "Spirited Away".