Bosses Warner Bros. took up the reboot of the famous fairy tale of ageless boy named Peter Pan , inviting the director of "Anna Karenina" by Joe Wright to do an interesting project .Script written to the tape by the fourth " Ice Age" Jason Fuchs , who invented the story in the spirit of nolanovskogo " Batman Begins" . The film tells in detail about who the mysterious Peter Pan , where he came from and what he wants to achieve in life . Responsible for the development of the project raised producer Greg Berlanti (" Green Lantern ").Director Joe Wright made his debut with the film adaptation of the classic novel "Pride and Prejudice ." The debut was a success: the film with solo Keira Knightley is not only received two nominations for the "Golden Globe ", but also won the British Film Academy Award . "Golden Globe" Wright managed to get in 2007: a valuable prize was awarded his war drama "Atonement ." Given that both these films Wright , including the " Soloist " and " Anna Karenina ", were at the same level , and , bearing in mind the director's ability to put the costume picture, we can say that , " Warner " have made an elaborate choice.It is noteworthy that the Paramount and Disney for several years developing their designs of Peter Pan . And while competitors are mired in production hell , Warner Bros. decided to bypass them with his own film.