Главная » 2013»Сентябрь»8 » The fifth "Terminator" was proposed choreographer "Game of Thrones"
The fifth "Terminator" was proposed choreographer "Game of Thrones"
Of the film "Terminator 5" is likely to be Alan Taylor, who directed some episodes of the hit series "Game of Thrones" and "Thor 2, The kingdom of darkness."On it informs edition of Variety, referring to representatives of Paramount Studios and Annapurna Pictures. Argues that the first candidate was directed by Ang Lee, but his contract was never signed.On the subject of the picture, nothing is known. It is assumed only that it will be the first part of a new trilogy storyline which has little in common with the original.Participation in the project also Arnold Schwarzenegger is not yet confirmed officially. The actor himself has repeatedly said that he is ready to return to his famous image.The premiere is scheduled for June 26, 2015 http://multikus.ru